Weird Science VIII

Previously: Nadia and Erika had a son named Simon, which, combined with the death of Nadia's mom, Madeline, completely overshadowed Mandy's transition into a teen - much to her annoyance.

Another day, another promotion! I feel like it's been kind of slow-going, but maybe it hasn't taken any longer than is usual for most careers. I'm definitely feeling kind of bored and disillusioned with the lab itself, though.

The exciting news is that Nadia now has this sweet upgraded lab coat complete with bionic arm. I'm assuming it's an imitation bionic arm, unless she really did amputate a limb for science. That would be pretty hardcore.

O... kay? This is very ominous, and I don't quite know what to do with this information since there's no "good" or "evil" button. Is this meant to be a choose-your-own-adventure type thing? Do Nadia's actions determine the final outcome? WHO KNOWS?

Well, if it's wrong to frequently turn your coworkers into human-sized blocks of ice using the SimRay, then Nadia doesn't want to be right!

On the other hand, despite her mad cackling, it's a fairly benevolent form of evil, considering she can just unfreeze them at any time and it's like nothing ever happened.

In other news, she has developed a cloning machine. Let's see how well it works by trying to create an exact replica of this rare crystal.

Hmm... I guess it still needs some work. I don't think this strange black cube of dubious origins is the intended outcome.

Back at home, I think Nadia is more excited about Simon's new dollhouse than he is.

Meanwhile, Erika has decided to shower Mandy with a bit of that attention she's been craving lately by taking her on a special bowling outing. That elderly woman in the questionable outfit is Mandy's other mom, whose name I unfortunately can't remember. Apparently, Erika was into the older ladies for a while.

Aww, it's sweet how proud they are of their daughter's (terrible) bowling technique.

We'll give her a pass for this epic failure. It is her first time after all.

*heavy sigh* She'll get the hang of it eventually.

That is, if she doesn't get too distracted by talking to this bowling league full of teenage boys.

Mandy: Hey there, hot stuff! How's it hanging?
Erika: Oh god, our baby is attempting to flirt. Quick, let's spread out and block off their exits before they can sneak to a secluded corner and make out.

Now that she's initiated contact with a very attractive boy, Mandy tries her best to impress him with the way she handles a bowling ball. She may look cool...

But she's still a beginner, after all. I think she might have to find some other way to win him over.

Meanwhile, here's Erika literally stumbling...

...her way to a strike on her first attempt! What kind of dumb luck. Mandy must be seething.

Oh, no, she's fine. She's too busy making charmingly awkward finger guns at her new love interest to notice.

Damn, apparently the burning hot flames of romantic desire translate to blowing up the bowling pins... literally.

Thus concludes what was very obviously my first ever trip to a bowling alley in Sims 4 directly after installing the Bowling Night Stuff Pack... Bowling was actually one of my favorite things to document in Sims 2, so I'm pretty happy to have it back in this game now.

Unfortunately, Mandy managed to pick up a rather nasty-looking illness somewhere along the way, so she's out of commission for the timebeing. No first dates with cute bowling boy for her yet!

Oh god, the entire household is succumbing to the plague. Everyone, down that disgusting tea like there's no tomorrow!

In the meantime, Simon is quarantined to his bedroom until the threat of deadly disease has passed. Luckily, he's got Abby in there to keep him company.

His parents are also still in constant competition to prove once and for all who's got the superior parenting skills, but he wishes they'd just leave him alone to play with his blocks in peace.

Jimmy is such a gentleman for waiting until Mandy was fully recovered to ask her out.

Spoiler alert: they didn't end up at the Diving Pelican. However, they did end up next to this beautiful pond full of swans, where they had a nice, laid-back conversation to get to know one another a bit better.

Then they decided to go skating together, another activity Mandy is attempting for the first time ever in her life.

Mandy: I'm not so sure about this...
Jimmy: Don't worry! If you fall, I'm right here to catch you!

Jimmy: Hehe, sorry... At least let me help you back up.

Jimmy: Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you going to stop for me?
Mandy: Oh, sorry, I must not have seen you fall!

Mandy: So, okay, maybe that wasn't the best first date in the world, but it certainly couldn't have been the worst either!

The jury's still out on whether or not these two are a match made in heaven.